There are so many ways we can support Gaia with the clearing of the water. This element is my comfort zone. Water is my friend. In times of stress or unravelling you'll find us at our nearest body of water. When the sun is at its hottest I'll be in the water. The ocean, rivers, and lakes are where I feel most comfortable. This is why we are beginning with this element. Join me as we rediscover the wonder of water. Water is a part of all beings. It's in the earth, the trees, the air, and our bodies. I often think of water as one of the forgotten elements when it comes to grid keeping because we tend to focus on the land. However from my experience working with water is not only easier, but it is also often more effective in clearing a large space in a short time. (Those ripples are most handy when it comes to this work.) Over the next few months we are going to be talking about grid keeping on a deeper level. But for now, I am guided to share the crystals I work most closely with when working with water.
There was a graveyard last year where I forgot my did I wish I had it with me that dark night last spring. But that's a story for another time. Nunderite is an awesome crystal for the new. Think welcoming new energies and putting them to good work kind of vibes and you will want to whip out your Nunderite. Finally, if the above wasn't a good enough reason to have some in your grid keeper toolkit. Nunderite was traditionally used for work with the weather. It's a powerful tool for bringing balance, if there is too much water or not enough then Nunderite will support you with your intention to change that. Rhodozite is a catalyst for intention and energy, so remember this when you wear it or use it for a grid. It is also often a favorite with Madagascan shamans when working with the weather as it removes blockages within the flow of water and cleanses and activates its surroundings in double-quick time. Rhodozite for me is a perfect addition to this triangle of crystals for when working with water. It is a highly energetic crystal that stimulates flow in areas that otherwise seem lacking.
One thing to remember when choosing your crystals for this work. Firstly trust yourself, secondly don't panic if you unexpectedly find yourself at a body of water that needs work without any crystals or tools. You yourself are the most powerful instrument and conductor of energy. Stay safe, have fun, and know that Gaia thanks you for all that you do. Oceans of Love Cxx |
AuthorCharlie Edwards - Light Code Weaver - Land Healer - Wisht Witch |